I went for a day trip to Genting on 17th of October with my cousins and siblings.
This is the ugly me. Haha. William and Cindy
Chun Yaw (sleeping in the day. haha)
Eileen and Sook Foon
We went up by cable car.
Guess what we did in the cable car? We scream, we shout, we yell and we wave at the opposite cable cars. Haha. We are just like a bunch of monkeys. It was fun. However, some of the sporting people in the opposite cable car did responded to us by shouting, screaming, yelling and waving too! Haha.
London Bus! The girls.
The guys.
All of us!
Entering the bus.
Inside the bus. We're supposed to have our meal(breakfast) inside this bus, but it's too smelly. So we have to have our meal outside.
This is our lunch in McDonald! So much fries eh?
Our shocking post.
Tadaa!! Our wristband!
The end! We spent most of the time lining up and walking. It was really a fun, tiring and unforgettable day. =) All of our legs really hurt after that and we get sun burn too. Haha.
Today is not my birthday but Oct 16th. I had been very busy nowadays and didn't have the time to blog. hehe.
Anyway, I would like to thank all of you that wished me, bought me presents, bought me cake or even sang a song to me! Hehe. I don't mind if you wished my early, on time, or late, I'll still appreciate it. =) You guys really gave me a great day! Thanks again.
Hating him/her just because that he/she did something bad to you?
Why must you hate the person if the thing has already passed?
Why must you keep it in the heart?
Is it beneficial to you?
Is it making you happy?
Will it change the past?
Why not just forgive?
Some of you might say that it is hard to fix a broken heart. Well, yes, it is hard, but it is possible. It just takes time and depends on whether you want it to be healed or not.
Hating someone is just like a fire burning and growing in your heart day by day. Let's stop this fire from burning and bring back the smile on your face.